Fertilizer characteristics in composting process of organic fertilizer production equipment


In the composting process of organic fertilizer equipment, fertilizer characteristics play a crucial role. Characteristics such as temperature, humidity, pH and microbial activity in the composting process of organic fertilizer production lines will affect the quality and effectiveness of fertilizers.

Temperature is an important index in the composting process. High temperature compost can effectively kill germs and insect eggs and improve the sanitary quality of fertilizer. At the same time, the high temperature also helps to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. In general, the ideal compost temperature is between 50-70 ° C.

Humidity is also an important factor affecting fertilizer characteristics. Excessive humidity will cause fertilizer fermentation slow, or even stop; Too low humidity may cause the fertilizer to be too dry, affecting the reproduction and activity of microorganisms. In general, the appropriate humidity should be maintained between 50% and 60%.

pH value is also an important factor affecting fertilizer characteristics. The ideal pH value is between 6-8, and too high or too low a pH value will affect the activity of microorganisms, which will affect the fermentation and decomposition of fertilizers.

Finally, microbial activity is also an important factor affecting fertilizer characteristics. Aerobic microorganisms can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. Anaerobic microorganisms can produce gases such as methane, and care should be taken to prevent the gas from causing damage to the equipment.

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