Organic fertilizer equipment simple trough pile turning machine how to maintain the best


1. Regular inspection: Regular inspection of organic fertilizer equipment to ensure the normal operation of all components, timely detection and troubleshooting.

2. Lubrication maintenance: According to the equipment instruction manual, add lubricating oil to the transmission parts regularly to ensure smooth operation.

3. Cleaning and hygiene: After each use, clean the residue on the equipment in time to keep the equipment clean.

4. Moisture and rust prevention: The equipment should be stored in a dry and ventilated place to avoid corrosion caused by damp environment.

5. Parts inspection and replacement: regularly check the wear of equipment parts, such as serious wear, should be replaced in time.

6. Electrical system maintenance: Check the electrical system regularly to ensure that the line is intact, no leakage, short circuit and other safety hazards.

7. Shutdown maintenance: During the equipment downtime, idling should be carried out regularly to maintain the normal operation of the equipment.

8. Train the operator: ensure that the operator is familiar with the use and maintenance methods of the equipment to improve the level of operation.

9. Regular maintenance: According to the use of equipment, regular maintenance to ensure long-term stable operation of organic fertilizer production line.

10. Establish maintenance files: record the maintenance and repair of equipment to provide a basis for future maintenance.

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