Relationship between compost fermentation regulation of organic fertilizer production line and use effect of organic fertilizer


The compost fermentation process in the organic fertilizer production line is a key part of the entire production process, and its purpose is to convert organic materials into organic fertilizers through the role of microorganisms. The regulation methods of compost fermentation mainly include the control of environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, oxygen supply and microbial flora. These adjustment methods are of great significance for the production of organic fertilizer equipment, because they directly affect the rate of compost fermentation, the conversion of organic matter, and the quality of the final product.

The application effect evaluation of organic fertilizer mainly includes soil improvement, crop growth promotion, environmental protection and so on. The influencing factors to evaluate the use effect of organic fertilizer mainly include raw materials, production technology, product quality, application methods, soil conditions, climate factors and so on. These factors interact and jointly affect the effect of organic fertilizer in practical application.

Compost fermentation regulation of organic fertilizer production line is closely related to the effect of organic fertilizer use. In the process of fermentation, suitable temperature, humidity, oxygen supply and microbial flora are conducive to the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, thus improving the quality of organic fertilizer. The production of high-quality organic fertilizer is conducive to improving its use in practical applications, such as improving soil structure, increasing soil fertility, and promoting crop growth. Therefore, the compost fermentation regulation of organic fertilizer production line is the key link to ensure the use effect of organic fertilizer.

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