The effect of fermentation compost turning machine in organic fertilizer production line


1. Mixing effect in raw material allocation: in order to adjust the ratio of carbon and nitrogen, acid value and pH, water composition, etc., fertilizer production must add some auxiliary materials, key raw materials and a variety of auxiliary materials according to the proportion of roughly piled together, can use the fermentation compost turning machine to carry out mixing practical operation, all this can be mixed with each other to achieve the purpose of deployment.

2. Adjust the temperature of the feedstock pile. In the operation of organic fertilizer equipment, raw material particles and gas are sufficiently touched and mixed, which can maintain a lot of air fresh in the pile, which is beneficial to aerobic microbial strains causing fermentation heat and raising the pile temperature.

3. Improve the water permeability of the raw material pile. The flip and throw system software can solve the raw material into small clumps, make the thick and dense raw material pile bulk and ductility, and produce suitable porosity.

4. Adjust the water in the feedstock pile. The suitable moisture content of raw material fermentation is about 55%, and the moisture standard of finished organic fertilizer is less than 20%. In the whole fermentation process of organic fertilizer production line, the biochemical reaction will create new water, and the consumption of microbial strains on raw materials will also cause the water to lose media and release. Therefore, along with the immediate reduction of water content in the processing of organic fertilizer, in addition to the volatilization generated by thermal conductivity, the rolling raw materials of the trough toss machine will produce a forced release of water vapor.

5. Do the special requirements of compost processing technology, such as crushing raw materials, making the pile of raw materials look certain or completing the quantitative analysis of raw materials.

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