The importance of checking the work before the fermentation compost turning machine


Before carrying out the work of the fermentation compost turning machine, a careful and comprehensive inspection is essential. This is not only respect for organic fertilizer equipment, but also responsible for the work.

1, check whether the various parts of the machine are normal. Including but not limited to the drive system, conveyor belt, stirrer and other key parts, to ensure that there is no obvious wear or damage. At the same time, check whether the lubrication system is normal to ensure the smooth operation of the machine.

2. Check the quality of raw materials. This includes the freshness of raw materials, water content, impurity content, etc. If the raw material is not fresh or the water content is too high, it may affect the fermentation effect and even lead to machine failure. For impurities, we need to pay special attention, because they may get stuck in some parts of the machine, affecting its normal work.

3. Check the environmental conditions. This includes temperature, humidity, ventilation, etc. These factors may affect the effect of fermentation, so it needs to be controlled within a certain range.

4. Test run the machine. The trial run can help us find and solve possible problems in the organic fertilizer production line, and also allow the machine to achieve the best working condition before the formal work.

In general, the inspection work before the fermentation tilting machine is the key to ensure the smooth progress of the work. This requires us to execute every step carefully, comprehensively and patiently to ensure the safety and quality of the machine and the work.


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