The use process and configuration of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment


Chicken manure organic fertilizer production line equipment is divided into three configurations:

High configuration of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: chicken manure dewatering machine, fermentation compost turning machine, half-wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, drum screener machine, coating machine, packing equipment, belt conveyor and so on.

In the configuration of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: half-wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, drum screener machine, packing equipment, belt conveyor and so on.

Low configuration chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: half-wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, granulator/drum screener, packing equipment.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer production equipment process flow:

1, the ground strip pile, with the ground pile turning machine, or fermentation tank to put materials, with the trough turning machine

2, evenly sprinkle the bactericide, turn the pile to achieve heating, odor, rot, kill miscellaneous bacteria grass seeds

3, fermentation 7-12 days, according to the temperature of different places how many times to turn the pile is different

4, completely fermented and decomposed, out of the pool (ground type directly with forklift collection)

5, with the grading screen for coarse screening,(screening good powder fertilizer can be sold directly)

6, the large pieces of the screen are crushed by the crusher and returned to the grading screen

7. Mix the required trace elements with a premix machine

8, granulation machine for granulation

9, into the dryer and cooler

Chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment processing (whole) biological organic fertilizer is a new type of organic (class) fertilizer, it is a set of organic fertilizer, fertilizer, amino acid fertilizer and functional microorganisms as one of the new biological organic fertilizer. Its function is to meet the nutrient requirements of crops in season, significantly inhibit soil acidification, effectively regulate soil microflora, and persistently improve soil fertility.

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