Where should small organic fertilizer equipment enterprises go


According to the survey, about 50% of the small organic fertilizer equipment production enterprises did not provide services to farmers, only 30% of the enterprises to give scientific and technological information to farmers, only about 10% of the manufacturers have scientific and technological lectures and free consulting telephone, nearly half of the small organic fertilizer equipment enterprises with agrochemical services closely related soil testing formula, demonstration test and agricultural technology training and other work carried out very little. Equipment to go through a number of retailers or wholesalers to reach the hands of farmers, too many intermediate links, in the entire supply and marketing system flow only products, no supporting services. The industry believes that the promotion and application of organic fertilizer equipment is out of step with soil testing and formula fertilization, which should restrict the development of the industry. Only by complying with market demand and effectively combining with soil testing and formula fertilization can enterprises and relevant departments truly promote the healthy development of organic fertilizer production line industry. Of course, small enterprises may not be able to provide comprehensive training and tracking services to farmers due to financial constraints. At this time, coordination and cooperation between the national and local governments are needed to improve farmers' benefits.

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