How should the service life of organic fertilizer granulator be extended?


Organic fertilizer granulator is designed and manufactured by wet continuous pelleting technology. In organic fertilizer equipment, organic fertilizer granulator can not only granulate all kinds of organic matter, especially for conventional equipment difficult to granulate crude fiber materials, such as crop straw, wine residue, bacterial residue, pharmaceutical residue, animal feces, etc., after fermentation can granulate, humic acid, municipal sludge and other raw materials granulation has also achieved good results. In fact, the core of organic fertilizer production line is organic fertilizer granulator, as long as the smooth operation of organic fertilizer granuator, organic fertilizer production and other aspects are of great help. Let me give you a brief introduction.

1first of all, the operator should pay attention to regular inspection, composition structure of organic fertilizer granulator parts easy to wear, observe the degree of wear, is not serious or very serious. If it belongs to the latter, it should be replaced immediately to prevent accidents caused by continuous use.

2for placing the chassis plane of the movable device, we should pay attention to maintain health, remove dust and other things in time, so as not to move the movable bearing smoothly on the chassis. The equipment encountered indestructible material, resulting in a serious accident.

3organic fertilizer equipment in the operation process, found that some newly installed tires are very easy to loose, so the need to check frequently. In addition, once it is found that the bearing oil temperature rises too fast, or the rotating gear has abnormal crashing sound, it should be stopped immediately, checked the cause, and then specifically solved.

4Good lubricating oil is of great help to the life of bearings, so the operator should ensure that the injected lubricating oil is clean and the sealing performance is good as far as possible.

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