Is the granulation process of compound fertilizer related to fertilizer efficiency?


There are several ways of granulation on the market, such as drum granulation, ammoniation granulation, high tower granulation, spray granulation and so on. I wonder if anyone noticed that some compound fertilizer packages often label some processing granulation processes of fertilizers, so as to publicize their compound fertilizer and other plants' differences, showing the effect of their own compound fertilizer.
Drum granulation: simple process, smooth granulation, uneven raw material quality and different effect. Water solubility and utilization rate are low and easy to be lost. But in drought years, the effect of Topdressing on crops with shorter growth period is faster than that of drum spraying granulation.
Ammoniated granulation: Pipeline spray granulation, good water solubility, irregular particles. Suitable for formula fertilization, the fertilizer effective period is between drum and drum spraying, the utilization ratio is better than spraying, but lower than high tower granulation.
High tower granulation: smooth particles, hollow anti-counterfeiting, balanced content. Fertilizer effect is the fastest in compound fertilizer, easy to dissolve, the most suitable for topdressing. The disadvantage is that when the granulation is sprayed, the urine is melted. If the process time flow is not well controlled, a large amount of two urea can be produced, and the moisture in production is easy to exceed the standard.
I. Comparison of Nutrient Content and Fertilizer Efficiency
1. high tower granulation process compound fertilizer characteristics: using high tower granulation compound fertilizer, nutrient is relatively uniform, each particle nutrient is basically the same, and can make the nutrient release evenly, can significantly improve the absorption and utilization rate of fertilizer, and fertilizer efficiency is the most easily dissolved in compound fertilizer, the most suitable for top dressing. However, the nitrogen content and phosphorus content of fertilizers processed by high tower granulation should not be low and high, usually the highest phosphorus content can only be maintained at about 15%. Therefore, this technology can only produce high nitrogen compound fertilizer. In addition, there is a big drawback to this processing technology. The fertilizer produced by this NPK fertilizer manufacturing process has a high content of two urea, which is close to the highest limit of the national regulation (1.5%).
2. Comparisons of ammoniated granulation and spraying granulation fertilizers: Ammoniated granulation and spraying granulation are similar, but the nutrient content of fertilizers produced by them is quite different. The nitrogen content of compound fertilizer produced by ammoniation granulation is high, which can reach more than 14%, water soluble phosphorus can reach more than 95%, nitrogen content is high, and fertilizer efficiency is good. However, the nitrogen content of compound fertilizer by spraying granulation is low, only about 12%, and water soluble phosphorus is low, about 80%. The utilization rate is not as good as that of ammonia products, but the technology is mature and the qualified rate of products is high.
3. roller granulation compound fertilizer characteristics: drum granulation is to add nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer to the filling material, then stir evenly, and roll into granular fertilizer inside the drum, which belongs to a way of physical synthesis. This fertilizer granulation process is relatively simple and can produce products of various specifications, but nutrient mixing is not uniform enough, water solubility and utilization rate are low, and easy to lose.
II. Application Comparison
1. ammoniation granulation: ammoniated granulation compound fertilizer has the characteristics of uniform granulation, bright color, stable quality, sufficient nutrition, easy dissolution and absorption by crops, especially seed fertilizer is relatively safe for seeds. Suitable for all kinds of soil and wheat, corn, melons and fruits, peanuts, vegetables, legumes, flowers, fruit trees and other crops and cash crops. It is suitable for base fertilizer, seed fertilizer, Topdressing and so on. When used as base fertilizer, especially for economic crops, the effect of increasing yield is more obvious.
2. Drum granulation: In drought years, the effect of topdressing is faster for crops with shorter growth period.
3. high tower granulation: high nitrogen compound fertilizer with high tower granulation mainly has 30-10-11, 25-10-16, 20-10-10 and 28-6-6 ratio, suitable for all kinds of field crops and economic crops. For example, wheat, maize, rice and cotton can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer.
III. Price Comparison
In terms of processing technology, the compound fertilizer with high tower granulation process is relatively high, which is higher than ammoniation granulation and other compound fertilizer produced by traditional process.
However, the specific price of fertilizer is affected by many factors, such as raw materials, other processing technologies and so on.
IV. Comprehensive Comparison
The above is just a brief comparison of these compound fertilizer granulation processes, not for certain products, but the most important thing is to let everyone have a general understanding of these processing granulation processes, and will not be fooled.
When we select fertilizer, we should not only look at the granulation process on the packaging, but also consider all factors of fertilizer and choose suitable products. In addition, we should try our best to choose the products of regular and large manufacturers. Generally, their fertilizer production equipment and production technology are relatively advanced. The products produced are uniform in grain, balanced in nutrients, stable in quality and relatively reliable.
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