Organic fertilizer equipment low-carbon environmental protection development direction has been set


Organic fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer that is processed through the processing technology of organic fertilizer equipment, which eliminates harmful substances to achieve harmless standards and is formed in line with relevant national standards and regulations. Organic fertilizer can provide nutrients needed for crop growth, improve soil, improve fertility, improve fertilizer utilization, and improve crop yield. Organic fertilizer production line products are chickens, pigs, cattle manure as the main raw materials, pure natural does not contain any chemical ingredients cultivation technology, chickens, pigs and cattle digestion ability is relatively poor, each time they eat food can only consume 25% of the nutrients, and the other 75% of the nutrients in the feed with the excretion. Thus, the dry product contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, amino acids, proteins and other components. With the increasing attention of the country to the organic fertilizer market, the industry generally believes that fertilizer manufacturers will face a reform of the upgrade of complete sets of organic fertilizer equipment, and the rate of reform is expected to seize a favorable position in the future market competition. To improve the quality of organic fertilizer equipment, it should also be developed in the direction of energy saving, environmental protection and low-carbon, and for complete sets of organic fertilizer equipment, it is to develop in the direction of lightweight, miniaturization and intelligence. This update is imperative.

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