What are the disadvantages of blindly choosing organic fertilizer granulation opportunities


1. Poor equipment performance: If the performance of the selected organic fertilizer granulator is poor, it may lead to low production efficiency, high energy consumption, and unstable product quality.

2. High investment cost: The purchase of high-performance organic fertilizer granulator requires a higher investment cost, and blind selection may lead to a waste of resources.

3. Increased maintenance costs: low-performance organic fertilizer equipment is prone to failure during use, requiring frequent maintenance, thereby increasing maintenance costs.

4. Unstable product quality: Due to poor equipment performance or improper operation, the quality of organic fertilizer products may be uneven, affecting product sales and market competitiveness.

5. Security risks: Some low-quality organic fertilizer granulators may have security risks, such as unstable operation of equipment, vulnerable parts and so on.

6. Insufficient technical support: Manufacturers who purchase low-brand or no-brand organic fertilizer granulators may not be able to provide timely technical support and after-sales service.

7. Poor adaptability: Some organic fertilizer granulators are designed for specific models and production processes, and blind selection may lead to inconsistent equipment with actual production needs.

8. Policy risk: According to China's policy orientation, the future requirements for environmental protection, energy saving and other aspects will be more stringent. Blind selection of organic fertilizer granulators may lead to the risk of non-compliance with policy requirements.

9. Market competition intensifies: With the changes in market demand and the intensification of industry competition, blind selection of organic fertilizer granulator may cause enterprises to lose market advantages and competitiveness.


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