Causes of low yield of organic fertilizer crusher


The reasons for the low yield of organic fertilizer crusher may be as follows:

1. Equipment failure: there may be wear, loosening or damage to the parts of the organic fertilizer crusher, resulting in a reduction in the running speed, thus affecting the output.

2. Material properties: The properties of the material directly affect the crushing effect and output. If the material contains a large number of hard, not easily crushed components, it will lead to a reduction in the speed of the crusher, which will affect the output.

3. Improper maintenance of equipment: failure to maintain and maintain the organic fertilizer mill for a long time may lead to a decline in the performance of the organic fertilizer equipment, thus affecting the output.

4. Improper operation: The operator is not skilled in the operation of the organic fertilizer grinder or does not operate in accordance with the rules, which may lead to unstable operation of the equipment, thus affecting the output.

5. Environmental factors: such as temperature, humidity and other environmental factors will affect the operating performance of organic fertilizer shredders, and then affect the output.

6. Energy supply: Unstable power supply or insufficient energy supply may lead to a reduction in the operating speed of organic fertilizer shredders, thus affecting the output.

7. Design defects: There may be defects in the design of organic fertilizer shredders, resulting in their failure to achieve the expected yield in actual use.

8. Production process problems: the ratio of raw materials used in the production process, processing technology and other factors will affect the quality and output of organic fertilizer. Please note that the above reasons should be analyzed according to the actual situation. In actual operations, flexibly apply these suggestions to check and resolve the problem. If you have any questions, please feel free to continue.

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