Reasons for slow fermentation of chicken manure in organic fertilizer production line


1. Raw material problem. The quality of chicken manure itself is directly related to the fermentation effect of organic fertilizer production line. If the chicken manure contains too much water, cellulose or other substances that are not easy to decompose, it will increase the difficulty of fermentation, resulting in slower fermentation. In addition, if the chicken manure is mixed with a large number of sediment, stone and other impurities, it will also hinder the reproduction and activity of microorganisms, thus affecting the fermentation rate.

2. Environmental factors are also important reasons for slow fermentation. The influence of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and ventilation on the fermentation process is very significant. If the ambient temperature is too low or too high, the humidity is too large or too small, or the ventilation is poor, the activity of microorganisms will be reduced, thus affecting the fermentation rate.

3. The selection and use of starter culture is also a key factor affecting the fermentation speed. Starter is an essential catalyst in the fermentation process, if the quality of the selected starter is not good or the use of improper methods, it will lead to slow fermentation. Therefore, when choosing a starter, it is necessary to choose a product with reliable quality and strong activity, and use it correctly according to the requirements of the instructions.

4. Management in the fermentation process is also an important factor affecting the fermentation speed. If there is a lack of effective management and monitoring in the fermentation process of organic fertilizer equipment, the problems in the fermentation process will not be found and solved in time, thus affecting the fermentation speed.

In summary, there are many reasons for the slow fermentation of chicken manure in organic fertilizer production line, including raw material problems, environmental factors and the selection and use of starter culture, as well as fermentation process management problems.

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