Drying method of materials in organic fertilizer production line


Drying is a very important and indispensable link in the production process of organic fertilizer production line. The treatment of raw materials has an important impact on the production of organic fertilizer. Now, the manufacturer of organic fertilizer production line introduces three methods of drying materials for you:

1. Mechanical dehydration
The organic fertilizer machine extrudes part of the water by pressing the material. The common methods are squeezing, sedimentation, filtration, centrifugal separation and so on. The mechanical dehydration method can only remove part of the free moisture in the material, and the combined water remains in the material. Therefore, the moisture content of the material after mechanical dehydration is still very high, generally 40 ~ 60%. Mechanical dehydration is a more economical method.
Drying method of materials in organic fertilizer production line
2. Heating drying method
Heat energy is used to heat the material and vaporize the moisture in the material. Air is usually used to dry materials. The air is heated into the dryer in advance to transfer heat to the material. The moisture in the material is gasified to form steam, which is taken out of the dryer with air. After heating and drying, the combined moisture in the material can be removed and the moisture content required by the product or raw material can be reached.

3. Chemical dehumidification
Using hygroscopic agent to remove a small amount of moisture in gas, liquid and solid materials, because of its limited dehumidification capacity, hygroscopic agent is only used to remove micro moisture in materials. Therefore, it is rarely used in production. 
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