Equipment customization of sheep manure organic fertilizer production line


With the rapid development of scale breeding, mutton sheep breeding scale can be said to be quite prosperous. Large scale breeding creates conditions for recycling sheep manure. Sheep manure organic fertilizer production line processing organic fertilizer has become the trend of large-scale breeding. The feeding mode has gradually changed from the original grazing mode to "grazing + supplementary feeding" and then full "house feeding". This standardized and large-scale house feeding breeding will be the main mode of industrial development, and technological innovation and staged breeding are the development trend of feeding mode. Large scale breeding creates conditions for the comprehensive recovery and utilization of sheep manure, but also avoids breeding pollution, which also conforms to the theme of green ecology.

Sheep are herbivores and sensitive to chemical composition, so there are few pollutants in the body. However, for the use of organic fertilizer in the planting industry, the effect of land improvement is very good.

According to the calculation, 10000 sheep produce about 5000 tons of sheep manure a year. One ton of fresh sheep manure can produce about 0.7 tons of organic fertilizer. 5000 tons of fresh sheep manure combined with other straw and other fertilizers can produce 5000 tons of sheep manure organic fertilizer.
Equipment customization of sheep manure organic fertilizer production line
Production equipment and technology of sheep manure organic fertilizer processing line

Sheep manure organic fertilizer products can be made into granules or powders, depending on market demand. In order to balance nutrients, suitable for transportation and storage, it is suggested that organic-inorganic compound fertilizers should be processed into granular products with cylindrical and spherical shapes.

There are two steps for the processing of commercial organic fertilizer from sheep manure: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer production equipment needs fermentation compost machine, organic fertilizer grinder, drum screening machine, horizontal mixer, fertilizer granulator, rotary dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. 
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