How to identify and prevent crop fertilizer damage?


The characteristics of crop fat damage are mainly as follows:
(1) Dehydration: excessive application of chemical fertilizer, or excessive soil drought, causing excessive local soil concentration after fertilization, resulting in loss of water and wilting of the crop.
(2) Burns: Applying volatile chemical fertilizers (such as ammonium bicarbonate) under high temperature in the hot sun, causing burns (burning) of leaves or young tissues of crops.
(3) Poisoning: the "biuret" component in urea exceeds 2%, or the free acid content in the superphosphate is higher than 5%. After application to the soil, the roots of the crop are poisoned and rotted;
(4) stagnation: Applying a large amount of unfertilized organic fertilizer, which causes decomposition of heat and releases harmful gases such as methane, causing toxicity to crop seed or roots.
How to prevent crop fertilizer damage:
(1) Select standardized fertilizer and organic fertilizer.
(2) Appropriate amount of topdressing. The ammonium bicarbonate should not exceed 25 kg per acre, and pay attention to deep application, cover soil or cultivating after application; urea per mu application is controlled below 10 kg; when applying foliar fertilizer, the appropriate concentration of various trace elements is generally Between 0.01% and 0.1%, a large number of elements (such as nitrogen) should be between 0.3% and 1.5%, and should be sprayed at a proper and appropriate amount in strict accordance with the specified concentration.
(3) Isolation of fertilizers. When planting dry crops, it is advisable to first apply the fertilizer and mix it into the soil layer to avoid direct contact with the seed.
(4) Reasonable water supplies. When the dry land soil is too dry, it is advisable to fertilize the water first, or fertilize the fertilizer with water; when applying the volatile chemical fertilizer in the paddy field, it is advisable to maintain the appropriate shallow water layer in the field and then cultivate the field.
(5) Fertilizer uniform application. When applying fertilizer, pay attention to uniformity. If necessary, mix with appropriate amount of mud powder or fine sand.
(6) Fertilize at the right time. Generally, it should be mastered after the sunrise dew is dry, or fertilized in the afternoon, and should not be carried out in the air in the hot sun. In addition, adhere to the application of organic fertilizer by tanning. During the process of applying fertilizer, pay attention to place the unfertilized fertilizer in the downwind to prevent the volatilized gas from being blown to the crop by the wind to avoid injury.
(7) If the above-mentioned fact damage occurs in the crop, it is advisable to take appropriate measures such as appropriate irrigation, drainage, or removal of the affected part to control its development and observe whether the growth of the growth is normal.

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