What are the basic indicators of fecal organic fertilizer fermentation


Composting organic fertilizer with manure is an effective method to solve the problem of manure pollution. The investment of manure organic fertilizer production equipment is low, and high-quality organic fertilizer can be produced at the same time, which brings an additional income for the farm. What are the basic indicators of manure fermentation and maturity
  1. 1. Loose degree biological fermentation method from the fourth day of fermentation began to loose, broken.
  3. 2. The odor of biological fermentation method began to reduce from the second day, disappeared on the fourth day, completely disappeared on the fifth day, and sent out the fragrance of soil on the seventh day.
  5. 3. The temperature biological fermentation reached the high temperature stage on the second day and began to fall down on the seventh day. Keeping the high temperature stage for a long time, the fermentation is complete.
  7. 4. In the process of color composting, the composting materials gradually turn black, and the compost products after maturity are black brown and black. Color can also be used as a judgment standard.
  8. What are the basic indicators of fecal organic fertilizer fermentation
  9. 5. The initial moisture content of fermentation raw material is 55%, and the moisture content of biological fermentation method can be reduced to 30%.
  11. 6. At the beginning of ammonium nitrogen (NH4 + - n) fermentation, the content of ammonium nitrogen increased rapidly and reached the highest level on the fourth day, which was caused by ammonification and mineralization of organic nitrogen. Then, the ammonium nitrogen in compost gradually decreased due to volatilization loss and transformation into nitrate nitrogen. When ammonium nitrogen is less than 400mg / kg, it reaches the maturity mark. The content of ammonium nitrogen can be reduced to 215 mg / kg.
  13. 7. When the C / N ratio of C / N is less than 20, the maturity index is reached.
  15. 8. The number of E. coli and the mortality of Ascaris eggs. Fecal coliform count ≤ 100 / g (ML) Ascaris eggs mortality ≥ 95%. 
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