Cattle Manure Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Process


The composition of cow dung urine is similar to that of pig manure, mainly cellulose, hemicellulose, protein and its decomposed products and various inorganic salts. It is said that one year's feces and urine of each cow can provide 38.0 kg of nitrogen, 5.3 kg of phosphorus and 47.6 kg of potassium. Cattle are ruminants. After repeated chewing, their feces are fine and dense, together with more drinking water. The water content in the feces is high, the air is not easy to circulate, the organic matter in the feces is difficult to decompose, and the decomposition is slow. It belongs to cold organic fertilizer. Unripened cow manure and urine have low fertilizer efficiency. Fermentation and ripening can improve fertilizer efficiency. Applying cattle manure organic fertilizer can make the soil loose and easy to cultivate. Applying it to over-sanded and over-sticky soil can improve the fertilizer efficiency of soil culture, and also can improve the activity of enzymes in soil.
Cattle manure organic fertilizer manufacturing process
1. Fermentation process
Firstly, the cow dung should be dried or dried to control its moisture below 85%. Then, the proportion of straw added is 7:3, so that the carbon ratio of raw materials (cow dung) and auxiliary materials (straw powder) can be controlled between 23 and 28, and the moisture content can be controlled between 52% and 68%. Finally, the organic fertilizer fermentation maturing agent was added. It can also build a fermentation tank 50 meters long and 4 meters wide, and can build many tanks. The mixtures were stacked flat in the fermentation tank, and then turned by the organic compost machine. The turning depth could reach 0.7 m~1 M. The mechanical dump is even and thorough, and the low-level special materials are dumped into the middle and upper parts of the dump, so as to fully decompose. After the first pile-up, the pile-up will be done every day. However, when the temperature exceeds 70 degrees, it must be turned over immediately, otherwise beneficial microorganisms and fermentation bacteria will be massively killed, which is not conducive to fermentation maturation.
2. Crushing process
Fermented cow dung is put into the silo, and then transferred to the fertilizer crusher by belt material, which is crushed and stirred to facilitate granulation preparation.
3. Granulation process
In the organic fertilizer production line, the output of organic fertilizer determines which kind of organic fertilizer production equipment to choose, such as the most important granulation equipment, whose size determines the shape and output of fertilizer granulation.
Standards for the Completion of Fermentation of Cattle Manure
1. Looking at the color, the color of general fertilizer will turn brown or black-brown, and the content of ammonium nitrogen will increase significantly.
2. Look at the leachate. After mixing the decomposed organic fertilizer with water (1:5), place the leachate color for 5 minutes.
3. Looking at the volume, the volume of decomposed compost is 1/3-1/2 larger than that of just stacked stacks. Finally, the fermented organic fertilizer is evenly spread out on the drying floor, with a thickness not exceeding 20 cm, and the moisture content is less than 32% by frequent exposure.
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